September 22, 2022

During the last “Blue Vs Red” events, together with Rocco Sicilia , we discussed how to attack and defend a simple, all-in-one, WordPress site. This post serves as a memorandum to remember all topics we discussed and how we reacted to specific attacks.

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December 24, 2020

This post explore my second TryHackMe room: Attacking ICS Plant #2 . Because the VM can be unresponsive, I also provide the OVA for offline labs. The room allows attacking a simulated refinery plant, gaining basic knowledge on ICS protocol weakness.

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December 02, 2020

This post explore my first TryHackMe room: Attacking ICS Plant #1 . Because the VM can be unresponsive, I also provide the OVA for offline labs. The room allows exploration of a simulated bottle-filling plant, gaining basic knowledge on ICS protocol weakness.

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